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The end of skin lighteners?

At long last the Health Department is thinking of banning skin lightening creams. On 22 May the Health Department printed a copy of a new...


A giant is born

Moses Mayekiso has not had much reason to smile for more than a year. He was detained by police as he walked off an aeroplane at Jan...


Letters from our readers 1987 No 4

Dear Learn and Teach We have just started our own youth con­gress, right under the state of emergency. We have only nine members and we...


Will the court understand me as I am?

Does the name Thembinkosi Mzukwa mean anything to you? If it does not, do not feel bad. He is not a famous person. He is an ordinary...


Victory is certain

When COSAS was banned in 1985, the youth of South Africa were left with­out an organisation that they could call their own. Now, with the...


The rich history of struggle

Thirty years ago, Jack Mantzaris lived in the slumyards of Denver on the east side of Johannesburg. He remembers how he used to sing and...


Son of a priest, father of a church

On the 1 July “Oom” Beyers Naude took a hard earned rest – and a new man took over as general secretary of the South African Council of...


A great workers’ victory

When 16 000 railway workers were fired on 13 March, many people said the workers would never get their jobs back. They thought that ...


Think once, think twice

If you think that Johannesburg is a city with a heart of gold, you have not met the jackals who dress in peoples’ clothes and who live...


A warm spirit in a cold basement

Right in the centre of Johannesburg stands the Carlton Centre. It is a grey, tall building with more than 50 floors. The building is...


A man called ‘Hoss’

“Hosea Tjale is running nice and easy. He has nearly a five minute lead and only 16 kilometres to go …. I don’t think anybody will catch...


Sloppy - the bean story

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