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Pensions – getting money when you are old

WHAT IS A PENSION? A pension is money that you get when you are old and no longer work. Most people get pensions from the government. We...


The time of the comrades

When Themba Nkosi first picked up a camera, he did not know which way to point it. But now, seven years later, Themba has put together a...


Who looks after the children?

Every day thousands and thousands of mothers leave the townships to go to work. Many of them leave small children behind. Who looks after...


The O.K. Strike – a long and hard struggle

On the 18th December, last year, 11 000 workers all around the country left the O.K. Bazaars branches where they worked. They did not go...


Sloppy – the braai surprise


Saint Olivers – the people’s church

In 1982 people from South Africa’s newest homeland, KwaNdebele, went to see the Catholic Archbishop in Pretoria. They told him that there...


A place of colour

Katlehong, like many townships, is a grey place. Most of the houses are grey. And often there is a cloud of grey smoke in the air above...


Stories from our readers 1987 No 2

WHO IS BETTER THAN WHO? Hey, comrades, I once read about a reverend who said, “Whites are better than blacks.” But God is the creator....


The Lion of the East

When “Oom” Gert Sibande died in Swaziland in January at the age of 86, South Africa lost somebody who was very special. Gert Sibande was...


Sharpeville -township with a history

The name, Sharpeville, is known all over the world. And every year, on 21st March, people remember Sharpeville. They remember the 69...


Letters from our readers 1987 No 2

Dear Learn and Teach, I work as a labourer for a building firm. In November last year I was hurt at work. A pipe fell on my foot and it...


Monk’s Kitchen

There is a house in Zone 4 Diepkloof, that is the busiest house in Soweto. Any time you pass this house, you will see people sitting...

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