Dear Learn and Teach, Allow me to voice my dissatisfaction through your popular magazine. I cannot see why political organisations, especially the ANC, are failing to address the comrades who are living in the backyards of the suburbs. Many of these comrades are ANC supporters. These people should not be ignored, we need them. Also, white comrades, especially the youth, are willing to join but they don’t know the channels and they still have fear. We need these comrades to prepare ourselves for the coming non-racial elections. Comrade Caesar JOHANNESBURG
Dear Comrade Caesar, Thank you for your letter of concern. Perhaps you can visit the regional offices of the ANC in town and discuss this with them. They may tell you where to find ANC branches in the suburbs. Here is the address and telephone number: 10th Floor, Essanby House, 175 Jeppe Street (between Von Brandis and Eloff streets) Johannesburg. Tel: 29-6066
Dear Learn and Teach, I passed matric in 1987 and studied Marketing Management in Pretoria. My problem is that I can’t get work because I am a Venda citizen. When I went to the South African Home Affairs office they said they can’t help me because I am a Venda citizen. I have missed jobs because of this problem. What must I do to get South African citizenship? PM Mafadza GA-RANKUWA
Dear Mr Mafadza, Thank you for your letter. Even if you are a so-called Venda citizen, you do not need a work permit or a residence permit to work and live anywhere in South Africa. Some bosses believe that you do, but it is not true. If you want to re-apply for South African citizenship, you can do so. In this issue of Learn and Teach, there is an article about what you must do.
Dear Learn and Teach, We are a gospel choir by the name of Sweet Inspiration and we have been singing together since 1985. We are preparing to record our gospel music. I would be glad if you can give me the addresses of the following recording studios: Gallo, Principal Records and EMI. M Zondo KWA-THEMA
Dear Mr. Zondo, The addresses of the recording studios are:- Teal Trutone (Gallo) Gallo House No.6 Hood Avenue Rosebank Tel:- (011) 788-2114 Contact: Freddie Barnato CCP (EMI) 32 Steele Street Steeldale Tel:- (011) 613-2011 Contact: Serona Principal Records 11 Wellington Road Parktown Tel:- (011) 642-7236 Contact: Adrian Brown RPM Records RPM House 62 Goud Street Johannesburg Tel:-(011)29-2583 Contact: Arlene Good luck with your recording!
Dear Learn and Teach, I am a student and I would like to correspond with readers of Learn and Teach and also students from the following countries: Swaziland, Zambia, Mozambique, and Namibia. My address is:- Dumile Gagai Marelane Senior Secondary School PO Box 55 Bizana 4800 TRANSKEI
Dear Learn and Teach, I would like to express my sincere thanks for your assistance and support of our nation. My problem is this — I worked for AECI Modderfontein from 1973 to 1987. My job became redundant in October 1987 and I sent my blue card to our magisterial offices in Sekgosese. I received money in January 1988 and February 1988 and I was told to report every month which I have been doing up till May 1990 when I got a new job. Before I give my blue card to my new employer I want to know why I have not received more money from the UIF. Could you please find out what happened? Mpedi Machete RAMAKGOPA
Dear Mpedi, Thank you for your letter. The maximum time a worker can get UIF is six months. To get six months payment, you must have contributed to the fund for at least three years. But even if you have worked five years or ten years, you can still only get six months UIF. We spoke to the Sekgosese office and they said that their records show that you received payment for 182 days (six months). If you are still not satisfied you can contact Michael at the Sekgosese magisterial office. His telephone number is: (015252) 121.
Dear Learn and Teach, Thank you for your interesting magazine. I have a big problem. In 1989 I registered as a standard 8 private candidate and I paid to write 8 subjects. I was sent the standard 10 timetable and when I told the teacher in charge he said I must write anyway and he will send a letter with my answer papers. When the schools re-opened the results were not available so I contacted the Education Department about registering for standard 9. They said I must wait for the results. My friends got their results but I did not. When I spoke to my teacher he said he would find out what happened — I’m still waiting. Mathavi Mnisi XIMHUNGWE
Dear Mathavi, Thank you for your letter. We are sorry to hear that you are having such problems continuing your studies. We spoke to the examinations department of the DET, but they say they cannot give you your results unless you send the following information: the name and number of the centre where you registered, the examination number you wrote your exams under, which month and year you wrote the exams, whether you were a private candidate or not and what subjects you wrote. When you have all the information, you can write to: Mrs Marais Examinations Section of the DET PBagX184 Pretoria 0001 or you can telephone Mrs Marais at (012) 312-6604.
Dear Learn and Teach, I am a boy of 16 years and I would like to learn karate. My problem is that I have been told that I am too old to join a club and that karate training can castrate a person sometimes. Is this true? BB BAKENBURG
Dear BB, Thank you for your letter. Exercise is good for people of any age and you are not too old to start karate at your age. It is not true that you can be castrated by doing karate!
Dear Learn and Teach, I am a 32 year old guy who worked for Vaal Reefs Mine for 10 years. In 1986 we went on strike and as a result we were sent home for 9 months. While I was at home the other workers were contacted by the TEBA representatives and given their money but my number did not appear. My company number is AH442232. Can Learn and Teach please help me to find that money? Tembalihle CARLETONVILLE
Dear Tembalihle, We spoke to Mrs H Erasmus at Vaal Reefs for you. She could not help us because you did not give us your surname or your date of birth. She also needs your provident fund number. We suggest you speak to someone at Vaal Reefs for this information. When you have it, you can phone Mrs Erasmus at (011) 832-2344. If you still have a problem, please write to us again.
Dear Learn and Teach, I filled in the tax return forms in 1990 and waited for my rebate. When I went to the Receiver’s office to find out what had happened they told me that I had to supply an IRP5 form from Highveld Hose, a company that I worked for long ago. Until I do this i won’t get the money owing to me. How do i get the IRP5 from this company? JMT Hobe DAVEYTON
Dear Mr. Hobe, Highveid Hose are no longer in operation but we managed to contact a Mr Fourie at Stannic. He is handling the company’s business. The IRP5 they have on file for you is for the 1987 tax year which is the one the Receiver’s office in Benoni is waiting for, Mr Fourie said that he would post your return to you immediately. So you should receive it very soon. Mr Fourie’s number at Stannic is 883-1171 and the Benoni Receiver of Revenue’s number is 54-1701 Hopefully you will get your rebate now.
Dear Learn and Teach, I worked for the Department of Education in Bophuthatswana from January 1986 to December 1988. During that time, my pension and UIF contributions were deducted from my salary. Now that I am at university and experiencing financial difficulties I would like to claim what I can of that money. I have written to the Department twice but they haven’t replied.! hope and believe that you can help me. Worried KWA-XUMA
Dear Worried, Thank you for your letter. We spoke to Mr. Pat Marabe who handles the pensions for the Bop Department of Education. It seems that you belonged to a non- contributory provident fund (you were not paying) and you may only claim if you retire at age 65 or you emigrate. You can claim UIF if you are studying. If you need a bursary you can contact the EIC for information. Their address is:- Education Information Centre 3rd Floor, Khotso House 62 Marshall Street Johannesburg 2001 Tel: (011) 834-7861
Dear Learn and Teach, I would like to know where to write to the King of Reggae’s son, Ziggy Marley, and the group called Burning Spear. Can you please find these addresses for me? Nester Jaza Berea
Dear Nester, Both bands are based in England. Their addresses are:- Ziggy Marley c/o Virgin Records Kausal House 533/579 Harrow Road LONDON NW 104H ENGLAND Burning Spear c/o Serengeti Records 43 Old Woking Road West Byfleet Weybridge SURREY KT 146LG ENGLAND
Dear Learn and Teach, I am a small businessman who sells fruits and sweets. One Saturday, a group of young people crowded around my table asking me prices and laughing at the way I was wearing torn clothes. One girl spat right next to my table. The way they acted it was like I was stupid suffering like that to make a living. They spoke about me like I wasn’t there. The reason for being there is a lack of money. I have passed my matric but there are no jobs. What I want to say is that these children or students must learn to respect people they do not know who stand in front of shops selling. To be a student does not mean one is wiser than others. They must understand our suffering. Samuel JOHANNESBURG
Dear Samuel, We are sorry to hear what happened to you. We agree with you that students must not look down upon people trying to make an honest living.
