Dear Learn and Teach I am happy to hear that Learn and Teach helps people with their problems. But I will be happier if you can help me too. I bought a tracksuit from an advertisement in Pace magazine. Then I ordered another tracksuit. My friend also ordered a tracksuit. We both sent R5 as a deposit. But these people only sent us catalogues, no tracksuits. Please help us with our problem. Joel S. Ramoipane BENMORE
Thank you for your letter, Joel. We spoke to Pace Magazine about your tracksuits. Pace say they will talk to the people who sell the tracksuits. Then Pace will write to you with the answer. But if you do not hear from them, write to us again. Good Luck.—editor
Dear Learn and Teach I send greetings to everyone at Learn and Teach. And I say keep on writing good stories for us. I want to order a T-shirt with “One Country and One Federation” on it. Please send me one soon. I will pay for it when it comes to the post office. Daniel S. Monama PRETORIA NOORD
Thank you for your letter, Daniel. We are sorry to say that we do not sell those T-shirts. But you can get one from: COSATU, Harrister House, 65 Harrison Street,Johannesburg, 2000. We hope you enjoy wearing your T-shirt when you get it.—editor
Dear Learn and Teach
I have my matric but I have been unemployed since 1984. Please send me some books for workers. I am losing my mind. I wish to die because I was not born to suffer. Simon Matlou ORLANDO EAST
We are very sorry to hear about your problem. Many people cannot find work these days. We do not have books for workers, only our magazine. But if you write to these people they will help you. 1. ILRIG, Box 213, Salt River, 7924 2.S.A. Labour Bulletin, Box 31073, Braamfontein, 2017 3.Labour History Group, Box 143, Salt River, 7925 4.Ravan Press, Box 31134, Braamfontein, 2017. We hope you find some good books to read from these people.—editor
Dear Learn and Teach GARDEN BOY VIEWS Understanding between black and white in this country is poor and one way. Blacks know plenty about whites while whites know next to nothing about what blacks think. That is why they keep on coming up with the “Garden Boy Views.” The white baas speaks to the black man who works for him. The black man lies to the white baas. He says that he likes Kallie Knoetze, or that he likes the bantustans. Then the baas is happy and the black guy keeps his job. The baas has not heard the truth. The baas does not know that he has only been told what he wants to hear. Hamilton Lovemore Tshehla MAMELODI
Thank you for your poem, Hamilton. We like to know what people are really thinking. And we like our readers to know what other people are thinking.—editor.
Dear Learn and Teach
Greetings to all the readers and the staff of Learn and Teach. I am a petrol attendant at a garage in Kimberley. J have worked there for one year and eleven months. But I am still not registered. We work 60 hours a week but we are only paid for 55 hours. We work on holidays but we never get holiday pay. We tried to talk to the boss but all he says is,” If you don’t want to work here, there are many people looking for work.” Is there a union that we can join? Noah Peter Malebogo KIMBERLEY
Thank you for your letter, Noah. We are sorry to hear your problems. There is a union for garage workers. They are called MICWU — Motor Industry and Combined Workers Union. We spoke to them. They said that they will be happy to help you. They will visit you at home. If you want to write to them, this is their address:— P.O.Box 25421, Ferreirasdorp, 2048. Their phone number is 011 838 5877/8 —the editor
Dear Learn and Teach I am tired of walking the streets of Cape Town looking for Learn and Teach. When I .wanted to buy the last magazine I went to the CNA in Woodstock, in Mowbray and in Rondebosch — no Learn and Teach. So I went to town. At one shop, the lady asked me if they sold Learn and Teach. Then she said that it is always banned. In the end I found Learn and Teach at the big CNA in the Golden Acre — under some business magazines. I opened it and the mistake slip fell out. The mistake slip was so good that I bought two magazines. At home I read one magazine in peace while everyone else fought over the other one. Jeff, who lives with me, said that’ ‘A night out with the winners” was the best. He was the 1984 sportsperson of the year at our swimming club. I thought all the stories were good, but I thought the mistake slip was the best. Martin Nicol CAPE TOWN
Thank you for your letter. We like to know that people like our magazine. But we are worried — do you really think that the mistake slip is better than our stories?—the editor.
Dear Learn and Teach
I am 18 years old. I am doing an English course at the language Institute in Maputo. I read your magazine there. I liked the story about Babsy Mlangeni. I like the music of South Africa. I would like to read the story of Brenda and the Big Dudes. I like your magazine because it helps my English. But it also tells me about the past, present and the future. I want penfriends in South Africa. I like music and writing letters very much. Please put this letter where lots of people will read it. Filipe Romiao MAPUTO
Thank you for your letter, Filipe.We like to hear from our faraway readers. We will write about Brenda but at the moment she is very busy. So we have to wait. We also want to know about your country — we do not know much about Mozambique. Maybe you can write and tell us. And for readers who want to write to Filipe, here is his address: Language Institute, 135 Commandant Cardoso Street, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE. We wish you luck with your English.—editor.
Dear Learn and Teach I work for a hotel with branches all over South Africa. We have big problems at work. For example, we work on holidays but we do not get extra pay. I am never happy at work. I want to know what to do. Sizwe Mngweu WILDERNESS
Thank you very much for your letter, Sizwe. Things sound bad. Talk to the other people at work. You need a union to help you. There are two unions that help people in hotels. They are: Ccawusa, PO Box 7135, Johannesburg, 2000 or Hotelica, PO Box 1409, Johannesburg, 2000 Write to them and tell them your problems. They will help you. Good Luck. —editor.
Dear Learn and Teach I know that you are a magazine for the people. I want to bring good news to teachers and student-teachers who read the magazine. Teachers are forced to join teachers organisation such as the T.U.A.TA. and N.AT.U. But these organisations do not help teachers. Now there is a new organisation for is called NEUSA—National Education Union of South Africa. People who want to know more about it must write to P.O. Box 15833 Doornfontein, 2028 or P.O. Box 33963 Jeppestown,2043. Concerned Citizen LENYENYE
Thank you for your letter. We have put it in the magazine so that people who want to find out about NEUSA can write to them. Thank you for sending their address. We are sure it will help. – editor