Dear Learn and Teach I have many problems. I can’t talk properly. I have a speech impediment. This problem worries me a lot. I haven’t found a job since last year. My pass is another problem. I can’t go to the city to find work because they only give 72 hours in my passbook. At the pass office they didn’t explain or tell me what to do. I am a worried man. July M. LEBOWA
I’m sorry to hear about your problems, July. We can’t write to you because you didn’t send us your address. Readers, please send us your addresses when you write us a letter. July, go to the nearest hospital and talk to them about your speech problem. Maybe they can help you – I know the General Hospital in Johannesburg helps people with speech problems. I think you must go to an organization to help with your pass. The Black Sash in Pretoria is the nearest organization for you. The address is. Presbyterian Church, 294 Schoeman Street, Pretoria. They only open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays mornings. -editor '
Dear Learn and Teach I really enjoyed your story on Ntemi Piliso -the jazzman from third avenue. I love music. I play the trumpet in a band called the Havannah Swing Stars. I now want to study further in music. I wrote to a place in Johannesburg and they said I must come for three years. But I have a family here. I can’t move to Johannesburg for a long time. What can I do – I really love playing the trumpet. Lennox Nqobo MDANTSANE, EAST LONDON
Thanks for your letter Lennox. Go and talk to the people at Masazane Open School, 32 Argyle Street, East London. I’m sure they can help you. I hope you will keep on blowing -editor
Dear Learn and Teach Please can you help me. I have some problems. I work on a small building contruction site. My boss takes money off our pay for U.I.F. and for the pension fund. But he does not write the amounts on our pay envelopes. At Christmas time we get a bonus. The boss does not write the bonus amount on our pay envelope. On Saturday we work overtime. We only get paid eight rand and a few cents for work on Saturday. These are my problems. What are my rights? Worried VRYHEID
Sorry to hear of your problems. Many workers in this country have the same problems. You do have some rights. The law says your boss must write all payments and deductions on your pay envelope. He must write your wages, overtime and bonus pay on the envelope. He must also write your U.I. F. and pension deductions on the envelope. If your boss does not do this he is breaking the law. If construction workers work on a Saturday, they must get their normal wage plus half. You can complain about these things to the Industrial Council for the Building Industry. Their address and phone number are. Mr Harris, 108 Old Mutual Building, Kerk Street, Vryheid. Phone no .. (0381} 5229 -editor