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Driving for freedom
After many years of struggle, the Namibian people have at last elected their own representatives to decide on a constitution for an...
The struggle in the cities
A small simple office in the Central Methodist Church in Johannesburg carries the hopes of thousands of black people living in the city....
Death on the border
Carlos Ndlalane, a Mozambican refugee, was shot dead by SADF soldiers as he crossed the border into Ka-Ngwane… Two months ago, Carlos...
‘Important dates’ competition
In Issue No.3 1989, Learn and Teach had a competition. It was called the “Important Dates Competition” and we invited readers to write...
SWAPO’s election manifesto
On 6 November 1989, the people of Namibia will be doing something they have been fighting for and dreaming about for over 100 years —...
Namibia fact sheet
SIZE: Namibia is the 15th largest country in Africa. It is two-thirds the size of South Africa. Including Walvis Bay, Namibia is 824 268...
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