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Blood flows in Alexandra
On Wednesday, March 5, 70 000 people from all over South Africa met at the Alexandra Soccer Stadium. They came to bury 17 people who were...
57 days in the life of Fanie Kuduka
Like so many children these days, Fanie Kuduka of Alexandra Township has tasted jail already. He was inside for 57 days last year—and he...
Good times and bad times
Many people think that I am just a piece of rubbish because I work in the rubbish dump,” says maMotaung. “1 want people to hear my story....
An honour to be there
Parties are always nice. They are even nicer after a long and difficult struggle. A victory is a good feeling. It tastes very sweet. So...
The state of emergency
The police in South Africa have always had many powers. But on Saturday the 21st July, the State President gave the police even more...
When dogs go shopping
Am I dreaming? Here I am saying hello to a dog. The dog gives me his right front leg and we shake hands. “Meet Lucky,” says Jacob...
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